Table 4

Codebook used in coding themes and subthemes

Theme and subthemesDescription
Theme 1: Recipient of CareThe people at households including PLWH that receive HIV services provided by the CHWs.
Sub-themes: MotivationWhat motivates the recipient to behave in a certain manner towards the HIV service or CHWs.
Socio-demographicsThese related to individual social and demographic structures (general ones for the entire community are under ‘Social and Political Constraints’.
The recipients age and or gender as a contributory factor to a certain behaviour towards HIV services and CHWs.
Age and genderRelated to recipients age/age group and gender.
Behaviour, attitudes and acceptability of HIV servicesRecipient’s opinion on the intervention including views about the acceptability and appropriateness of the intervention and the credibility of the provider.
Knowledge and skillsRecipients may have varying degrees of knowledge HIV services and CHWs or may not have the skills to understand HIV services and CHWs.
Theme 2: Providers of careThe CHWs themselves.
Subthemes: Knowledge and skillsCHWs knowledge and skills in proving HIV.
Behaviour, attitudes and acceptability of providing HIV servicesCHWs attitudes and acceptability of the CHW programme that they have been assigned to.
MotivationCHWs degree aspects that deal with what motivates them to behave in a certain manner.
Working beyond their scopeTasks that CHWs were not supposed to do and affected efficiency.
Theme 3: Other stakeholdersStakeholders that play a role in the CHW programme.
Subthemes: Other healthcare workersOther health cadres that are in the chain of providing HIV services with CHWs.
Donors or funders as barriersSituation of funders and donors towards the CHW programme.
Theme 4: Health system constraintsFactors that are inside the healthcare system itself that is outside of the CHWs or communities’ control.
Accessibility to provision and receiving HIV services
Factors related to accessing households by CHWs and accessing health facilities by households due to any health system constraint (other than geographical location). For an example issues of transport that is supposed to be provided by the health facilities.
GovernanceHow the CHW is governed in terms of accountability, collaboration, referral systems, recruitment and the allocation of CHWs workload.
Education and trainingThe training of CHWs as part of their employment and deployment to communities to offer HIV services.
Human resourcesRelated to CHW staffing issues that impact on the provision of HIV services in the communities.
IncentivesReimbursement systems for CHWs and how they affect the provision of HIV services.
Supervision and supportSupport and supervision required by the CHWs as part of effective HIV service provision for the communities.
Supplies and equipmentRelates to items required by the CHWs when they are at the client’s home, eg, pen, record book, HIV test kits, gloves.
Theme 5: Social and political constraintsSocial even community and political aspects that influence the CHW to function or not to function well.
Subthemes: GeographyHIV services provision by CHWs in relation to recipients and their environments.
WeatherWeather conditions that may affect the provision of HIV services by CHWs.
Language, religion and cultureHow culture and language.
Political stabilityThe stability of the political environment that may affect the functioning of the CHW programme.
  • CHWs, community health workers; PLWH, people living with HIV .