Table 3

Choosing and interpreting statistics for studies common in primary care

I want toStatistical choiceIndependent variableDependent variableHow to interpret
Examine trends or distributions.Descriptive statisticsCategorical or continuousCategorical or continuousReport the statistic as is to describe the data set.
Compare group means.t testsCategorical with two levels (ie, two groups)ContinuousExamine the t statistic and significance level.
If significant, clearly report which group mean is higher, along with the effect size.
Compare group means.Analysis of varianceCategorical with two or more levels (ie, two or more groups)ContinuousExamine the F statistic and significance level.
If significant, clearly report which group means are significantly different and how (eg, which are higher), along with the effect size.
Examine whether variables are associated.CorrelationContinuousContinuousExamine the r statistic and significance level.
If significant, describe whether a positive or negative correlation and its strength.
Gain a detailed understanding of the association of variables and use one or more variables to predict another.RegressionContinuous or categorical, may have more than one independent variable in multiple regressionContinuousExamine the F statistic and significance level.
If significant, examine the R square for how much variance the model accounts for.
Determine whether each regression coefficient is significant; if significant, discuss the coefficients.