Table 1

Patient groups identified to be perceived as receiving better or worse care during the COVID-19 pandemic and respective reasons

Better care during pandemic
Patient groupAdvantages
 Presenting for minor problemsFewer time constraints, easier access to the doctor
 Presenting for regular check-up visitsFewer time constraints
Worse care during pandemic
Patient groupIssues
 Chronic health conditions, incl. asthma and allergiesAfraid to seek medical care or attend check-up visits, delayed adaptation of long-term medication
 Children with neurological and developmental problemsPhysiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy suspended for extended periods of time
 Children from disadvantaged backgrounds, social paediatricsSuspended therapies, suspended social care visits; less reliably attending appointments
 Children requiring further investigations offered in hospitalsAppointments unavailable
 Families with high fear of SARS-CoV-2 infectionAfraid to seek medical care even if urgent