Table 3

Comparison of domain specific and total mean rank scores of patient satisfaction for the BATHE and non-BATHE groups

DomainBATHE groupNon-BATHE groupMann-Whitney scoreZ
(p value)
Mean rank scoreMedian (range)Mean rank scoreMedian
General satisfaction
(q 1,7,17)
67.510 (7–13)71.510 (5–15)2242.5−0.64 (0.52)
Professional care
(q 2,3,6,9,10,12,13)
79.134 (28–35)59.733.5 (27–35)1711.5−2.95 (0.003)
Depth of relationship
(q 4,8,14,15,18)
76.818 (14–25)62.018 (3–25)1869.0−2.22 (0.03)
Perceived time spent
(q 5,11,16)
69.36 (3–10)69.86 (3–15)2363.0−0.08 (0.94)
Total satisfaction
(all questions)
76.768 (59–83)62.167 (52–86)1875.5−2.16 (0.03)
  • Bold values indicate statistical significance.

  • BATHE, background, affect, trouble, handling and empathy.