Table 4

Factors influencing the total satisfaction score

Variableβ coefficient95% CI of B
Patient related
 Gender of the patient*0.11−1.44 to 1.66
 Age0.05−0.005 to 0.11
 Education0.40−0.09 to 0.89
 Past visits to the centre0.28†0.11 to 0.45
Physician related
 Gender of the physician*0.59−1.45 to 2.64
 Years of experience0.22‡0.02 to 0.42
 Past visits to the particular physician−0.08−0.36 to 0.21
 Routine care visit*2.32§0.67 to 3.98
 BATHE consultation*0.52−1.52 to 2.55
  • *Dichotomised variables.

  • †p<0.002.

  • ‡p<0.03.

  • §p<0.006.

  • BATHE, background, affect, trouble, handling and empathy.