Table 1

DSD models and their building blocks implemented across 7 EGPAF country programmes

Building blockMulti-month refills (MMR)Weekend clinicsSchool holiday clinicsChild/teen clubsFamily model of careCommunity-based models
WhoClinicians*Clinicians, lay workers, counsellors†Clinicians, lay workers, counsellorsClinicians, lay workers, counsellorsClinicians, lay workers, counsellorsClinicians, lay workers, counsellors
WhatProvision of ART refillsProvision of comprehensive one-stop care, including clinical checks, ART refills. May be provided to groups or individualsProvision of comprehensive one-stop care, including clinical checks, ART refills. May be provided to groups or individualsProvision of comprehensive one-stop care, including clinical checks, ART refills. Provided to peer groupsProvision of comprehensive one-stop care, including clinical checks, ART refills. Provided to family groupsProvision of screening, refills, counselling, clinical checks
WhereFacility†*FacilityFacilityFacilityFacilityCommunity, mobile clinic
WhenEvery 2–3 monthsWeekends (frequency may follow refill or clinical check schedule and may be every 2–3 months when combined with MMR)Scheduled for every 2–3 months during school holidaysFrequency may follow refill or clinical check schedule (may be every 2–3 months when combined with MMR)Frequency may follow refill or clinical check schedule (may be every 2–3 months when combined with MMR)Monthly
  • *Clinician can include physician, clinical officer, nurse and/or pharmacist.

  • †Lay worker/counsellor can include peer counsellors, mentors, expert clients.

  • ‡Facility can include HIV clinic/hospital, primary health clinic, other clinic.

  • ART, antiretroviral therapy; DSD, differentiated service delivery; EGPAF, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation; MMR, multi-month refills.