Table 1

Comprehensive evaluation system of the scientific research capacity of community healthcare centres

1. Scientific research input.1.1. Scientific research project.1.1.1. Presided over or participated in a number of higher level projects (municipal level or above).
1.1.2. Number of projects first responsible for.
1.1.3. Number of projects involved.
1.2. Scientific research funds.1.2.1. Per capita scientific research fund.
1.2.2. Proportion of project funds above the municipal level.
1.2.3. Amount of supporting scientific research fund of the unit.
1.3. Scientific research personnel.1.3.1. Number of manpower input in scientific research.
1.3.2. Professional title (proportion of intermediate title and above).
1.3.3. Degree of personnel (proportion of graduate students or above).
1.4. Research infrastructure.1.4.1. Investment in scientific research equipment.
1.4.2. Input into the purchase of books and materials.
1.5. Academic conferences and training.1.5.1. Per capita number of academic conferences and trainings (above municipal level).
1.5.2. Per capita expenditure for academic conferences and training (above municipal level).
1.5.3. Number of training courses for continuing education at or above the municipal level sponsored or undertaken by the unit.
2. Scientific research output.2.1. Awarded research product.2.1.1. Number of awards won.
2.1.2. Award level (number of projects at provincial level and above).
2.1.3. Award level for scientific research (number of projects at provincial level and above).
2.2. Papers published.2.2.1. Number of papers.
2.2.2. Proportion of articles in core journals.
2.2.3. Number of Science Citation Index papers published.
2.3. Books.2.3.1. Number of books.
2.3.2. Number of books involved.
2.4. Patents.2.4.1 Number of Patents
2.5. Consultation reports for governments.2.5.1. Approved by People's Congress and Standing Committee, directly affiliated organs and governments.
2.6. Profits from scientific research achievements.2.6.1. Revenue from scientific research achievements.
2.7. Talent cultivation.2.7.1. Number of trainees.
2.7.2. Number of postgraduate students with masters degree and doctoral degree.
2.8. Academic part-time jobs.2.8.1. Number of part-time staff in academic organisations.
2.8.2. Number of part-time staff in academic journals.
2.9. Talents.2.9.1. Number of talent titles.
3. Scientific research management.3.1. Management personnel.3.1.1. Number of scientific research managers.
3.1.2. Percentage of staff with graduate degree or above in the management team (%).
3.2. Operating charges.3.2.1. Special management funds.
3.2.2. Special research incentive funds.
3.3. Management system.3.3.1. Management measures.
3.3.2. Degree of informatisation.
3.3.3. Incentive and collaboration systems.
3.4. Management mechanism.3.4.1. Self-evaluation of scientific research atmosphere.
4. Scientific research efficiency.4.1. Use of funds.4.1.1. Completion rate of scientific research projects.
4.1.2. Saving rate of scientific research funds.
4.2. Application of results.4.2.1. Application rate of scientific research achievements.