Table 1

Operational definitions

CriteriaOperational definition
High BP/hypertensionBP of ≥140/90 mm Hg in 18 years and above, BP of ≥150/90 mm Hg in 60 years and above and/or those taking antihypertensive medications
High blood sugar/suspicious of DMRandom blood sugar of ≥140 mg/dL was taken as suspicious of DM.
Overweight or obesityBody mass index of ≥25 kg/m2
Oral cancerHistopathological confirmed carcinoma of oral cavity
OPMDLeukoplakia, erythroplakia, leukoerythroplakia, oral lichen planus, smoker’s palate, oral submucous fibrosis were classified under OPMDs
Cervical cancerHistopathological confirmed invasive carcinoma
Cervical precancerHistopathological report of CIN (CIN I, CIN II and CIN III)
Breast cancerHistopathological confirmed breast cancer
Socioeconomic classification (BG Prasad)
Lower classPer capita income less than 985 INR/month
Lower middle classPer capita income between 986 and 1971 INR/month
Middle classPer capita income between 1972 and 3286 INR/month
Upper middle classPer capita income between 3287 and 6573 INR/month
Upper classPer capita income 6574 INR and above/month
  • BP, blood pressure; CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; DM, diabetes mellitus; INR, Indian national rupee; OPMD, oral potentially malignant disease.