Table 4

Reported health resource use results from included studies

First Author
Outcome (n)BeforeAfterEffect directionQuality assessment
Health and social costs (n=86)
Average cost/person
Number of people (n=68):Good
GP surgery visits6251▲*
GP home visits37
GP telephone calls2718
Total GP contacts2727--
No new repeat prescriptions5853
  • *Statistically significant finding; ‘--’=no change.

  • We provide a symbol ( or ▼) to represent the effect direction, for example, up arrow represents a positive finding. We also include the assessment of study quality based on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Quality Assessment Tool for Before–After (Pre–Post) Studies With No Control Group.38 Please note the results from44 are from the intention to treat analysis (n=68). For the per protocol analysis (n=28), there were no statistically significant findings.

  • GP, general practitioner.