Our small group of expert GP academic trainers from Monash University and the University of Melbourne have been collaborating over the last decade to develop a GP model training program based in Luohu, Shenzhen, that deeply engages Chinese GPs and seeks to provide personal and professional development of the GPs. The program is closely linked to continuing offshore GP education in Australia, with many trainees of the program having attended intensive training hosted by Monash University in Australia.
Significance statement Countries around the world are dealing with rising rates of chronic diseases and increasing health care costs, and China is no exception. Primary care, and especially general practice, provides a strong backbone for an effective health care system, is affordable and accessible, and is suited to managing complex illnesses over the long term. We describe an approach to GP training that has been developed in the Luohu district of Shenzhen and that focuses on clinical as well as leadership skills for the growing GP workforce.