Original Research

Evaluation of obstetrics procedure competency of family medicine residents


Objective To establish a procedure evaluation system to monitor residents’ improvement in obstetrics (OB) procedures performance and skills during the training period.

Methods A web-based procedure logging and evaluation system was developed using Microsoft.net technology with a SQL server as a backend database. Residents’ logged OB procedures were captured by the system. The OB procedures logged within 7 days were evaluated by supervising faculty using three observable outcomes (procedure competency, procedure-related medical knowledge level, and patient care).

Results Between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2008, a total of 8543 procedures were reported, of which 1263 OB procedures were evaluated by supervising faculty. There were significant variations in the number of logged procedures by gender, residency track, and US versus non-US medical graduates. Approximately 84% of the procedures were performed (independently or with assistance) by residents. Residents’ procedure skills, procedure-related medical knowledge, and patient care skills improved over time, with significant variations by gender among the three outcomes.

Conclusion The benefits of specific evaluation of procedural competence in postgraduate medical education are well established. Innovative and reliable tools to assess and monitor residents’ procedural skills are warranted.